Clearlee is for you…
If you’re concerned about a loved one’s drug use
If you want to test them, but don’t know how to start
If you’re trying to prevent reuse with early detection
If the stress, worrying, and confrontation is affecting your relationship
If you are trying to deter dangerous experimentation
It’s time to think Clearlee.

How It Works
Drug testing without the stress, shame, or uncertainty
Choose a program
Our monitoring programs let you decide how many tests we’ll send and for how long — choose the one that’s best for your loved one’s needs.

Get the app
Upon signup, we’ll send you login credentials to get the Clearlee app installed on your loved one’s smartphone.
Testing Kit arrives
Within 2-3 days, we’ll send our Testing Kit directly to your loved one, complete with all the necessary testing materials — they’ll just need their smartphone with our app installed.

Testing begins
Your loved one will get randomized alerts via text and email when it’s time to test. Our in-app guided process and AI technology ensures each test is completed accurately, and the entire test is recorded via smartphone camera.
Results shared in 1 hour
Our Clearlee Care Team reviews the test’s footage to confirm compliance, then sends the results directly to the registered members of your loved one’s Support Network (family members, case managers, therapists, etc.)