Notable Press
Learn about our story and mission to disrupt the world of drug testing.

The Story
In 2020, inspired by a need within her family, Liz Read founded Clearlee to provide dignified drug detection at any time, any place. Propelled forward after winning a statewide pitch competition, the concept of empowering accountability won an economic development grant of $50,000 and became a reality. Built with passion and lived experience, the Clearlee Team is dedicated to delivering AI-driven remote drug testing that provides timely transparency.
See the video of the Alabama Launchpad win here.

Business Beginnings
Clearlee (formally Clearmindnow) Recognition:
The Birth of Trauma-Informed Drug Testing
The Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP) at BJA published a Technical-Assistance Brief on Trauma-Informed Testing in December 2023 authored by Dr. Phil Breitenbucher (author of drug testing protocols for Child Welfare) and West Huddleston (former CEO of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals).
Treatment Courts:
The Drug Court Review
Published annually, the Drug Court Review’s goal is to keep the treatment court practitioner abreast of important new developments in the treatment court field. The Drug Court Review is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that builds a bridge between law, science, and clinical communities, providing a resource that is accessible and of interest to all.

The Brand Files
“We love it!”
“This is making my job so much easier. Testing has been such a headache, but not anymore.”
[My Employee] had used Clearlee while in treatment and said it worked to keep him sober. I told him I’d do whatever it took, he’s that important to the business. Thank you so much for the service you provide.”
“We have a small handful of businesses that employ our program participants, and we want to keep them happy. It’s hard for some of these people to find work with their history. The way we’re testing right now means my participants have to leave work in the middle of the day. Clearlee solves a major problem for us and keeps these folks working.”